Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: August 1st 2018    Categories: SmackDown, WWE Results

Promising to call out Randy Orton after the savage attacks The Viper has laid on him in recent weeks, Jeff Hardy did just that, not hesitating to dare The Apex Predator to come down and face him in the middle of the ring. Never one to back away from a threat, Orton began to make his way down to the squared circle, but before he could get there, The Charismatic Enigma was brutally blindsided by Shinsuke Nakamura, who dropped Jeff with a kick to the back of the head.

By the time Orton got into the ring, The King of Strong Style was setting up for the Kinshasa. However, Orton stepped in front of WWE’s Rockstar before he could land the move. Shinsuke and Randy exchanged glares, and Nakamura drilled Jeff with the Kinshasa before exiting the ring. Orton beat Hardy down with a ruthless onslaught of stomps, dropped him with two DDTs, the second onto the unforgiving floor at ringside. The Viper continued the assault, brutalizing Hardy on the announce table, pouring water on his face and methodically and symbolically wiping away Hardy’s face paint with a towel before he finally departed.

Credit: WWE.com

Gallery Links:
WWE Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > 2018 > RAW > July 31st
Screen Captures > WWE Programs > RAW > 2018 > July 31st

 Posted by: Kris    Date: July 31st 2018    Categories: RAW, WWE Results

For weeks, The Revival have been scouting the Raw Tag Team Title picture as the championships shifted from the clutches of “Woken” Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt to the jubilant hands of The B-Team. Now, the “Top Guys” are making their move.

After crashing a confab between The B-Team and The Deleters of Worlds, Dash & Dawson threw a wrench into the Tag Team division when they defeated Hardy & Wyatt in an impromptu match stemming from the confrontation. They used their time-honed tactics to do it, too, with Dash Wilder grabbing a handful of Wyatt’s dreadlocks before he could suffer Sister Abigail. With The Reaper of Souls thrown, Scott Dawson tagged in, and the team executed a textbook Shatter Machine to close out the match, a feat that was best summed up by The B-Team on commentary: “That’s a big win.”

Credit: WWE.com

Gallery Links:
WWE Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > 2018 > RAW > July 30th – Tag Match
Screen Captures > WWE Programs > RAW > 2018 > July 30th – Tag Match

 Posted by: Kris    Date: July 29th 2018    Categories: Interviews & Articles

Jeff Hardy lied about his age to get his first televised match with WWE when he debuted on an episode of Raw versus Razor Ramon on May 23, 1994. Hardy is now 40-years-old and his career has spanned nearly a quarter of a century.

Planeta Wrestling asked Hardy about the most memorable and intimidating opponent he has faced in the ring. The Hardy Boyz began a feud with Brock Lesnar in April 2002 which included Lesnar’s first televised WWE match at Backlash against Jeff Hardy. The Beast Incarnate was known as The Next Big Thing during that time and he defeated Hardy via KO.

Hardy was quick to say Lesnar is the most intimidating opponent he’s faced by far while noting that the WWE Universal Champion is the real deal. Hardy also opened up about how great it was to wrestle a hero of his like Shawn Michaels.

“Intimidating by far is Brock Lesnar. He is like the real deal, you know,” Hardy said. “I gotta say Shawn Michaels, when I got to wrestle him and beat him in ’08, ’09 that was just beyond a dream come true and he still to this day my favorite wrestler ever.”

Click Here to read the full article.

Credit: Planeta Wrestling & WrestlingInc.com.

 Posted by: Kris    Date: July 26th 2018    Categories: Interviews & Articles

Do you think ‘The Bucks of Youth’ will come to WWE someday?
Hardy: I feel like it’s a possibility. They’re so talented. I mean it’ll be great to mix it up with those guys in the WWE. They’re doing their own thing and in a way, that’s what’s so cool about it. They’re their own boss. They can do what they want and nobody tells them what they can’t do.

I respect those guys so much. I expect it’s very possible that they get here.

Who would you say is the best Tag Team in WWE right now?
Hardy: Best Tag Team? Let’s see. The B-Team, because I saw them retain recently. I’m going to go with The Usos because I’m on SmackDown and they’re on SmackDown. I get to watch them and they’re bad a**. The Usos!

Did you originally think that Bray Wyatt would be the right fit for the Final Deletion kind of content that you guys were doing?
Hardy: Yes, I think Bray’s perfect for that because he’s very open-minded and when you’re watching a lot of his promos you’re not sure what he’s talking about and what he means. I was on the scene when they filmed that (The Ultimate Deletion). And I hope to be a part of the next one if there is one. And I think there will be.

Credit: Sportskeeda.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: July 23rd 2018    Categories: RAW, WWE Results

Against all odds, The B-Team defeated “Woken” Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt for the second time, this time in a defense of their Raw Tag Team Titles with a victory that represented the most definitive statement that their run has some legs in it yet. In fact, while The-B-Team’s magic continues to flourish, The Deleters of Worlds’ suffered an unusual glitch. (All this under the watchful eye of The Revival backstage, no less).

The challengers wisely centered their strategy around Bray Wyatt, who started the contest after being neutralized in their earlier loss. Hardy proved adept as a closer, dropping Curtis Axel with the Twist of Fate. But when interference from Bo Dallas brought Wyatt in to even the odds, Bo bounced Bray off the turnbuckle and straight into Hardy, who Axel rolled up in a crucifix pin for the 1-2-3. Though The Deleters seemed to offer a show of respect with a Woken O after the match, the gesture quickly turned hostile as Hardy took out Dallas with a Twist of Fate and Wyatt dispatched The Axe Man with Sister Abigail. Two things remain abundantly clear: The B-Team’s reign is far from OVAH, and their business with the challengers might just be far from finished.

Credit: WWE.com

Gallery Links:
WWE Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > 2018 > RAW > July 23rd – Tag Match
Screen Captures > WWE Programs > RAW > 2018 > July 23rd – Tag Match

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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