Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: October 13th 2017    Categories: RAW, WWE Results

Screen Captures | Digitals | Match Video
Matt Hardy vs. Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman’s monstrous tear through the roster continued at the expense of Matt Hardy, who had the unfortunate task of facing The Monster Among Men one-on-one, but The Gift of Destruction went from hunter to hunted in the blink of an eye when The Shield came knocking.

Hardy turned in a gritty, turn-back-the-clock effort against Strowman that saw him land a Twist of Fate, only Strowman to kick out at one, retorting with two chokeslams and a Running Powerslam for the win. After the match, Strowman looked primed to put Hardy through the LED screen a la Curt Hawkins, but he was quickly interrupted by The Hounds of Justice, who met him on the stage, overwhelmed the monster and plunged him through the announce table with an incredible Triple Powerbomb

But The Gift of Destruction’s fate will remain entwined with The Shield’s for the foreseeable future. Not only did Kurt Angle sanction Strowman vs. Reigns in a Steel Cage next week, but Ambrose’s offhanded remark that The Shield could take out four or five opponents at once were noted by The Miz, who recruited The Monster Among Men to be that very same fourth man at WWE TLC.

Credit: WWE.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: October 6th 2017    Categories: WWE.com Exclusives

WWE.com has posted photos of Jeff Hardy’s shoulder surgery for his torn rotator cuff; and they have also posted photos post-surgery as Jeff begins rehab on his shoulder.

Gallery Links:
WWE Photos > WWE.com Exclusives/Features > Behind the Scenes > Jeff Hardy’s Shoulder Surgery 2017
WWE Photos > WWE.com Exclusives/Features > Behind the Scenes > Jeff Hardy Begins Shoulder Rehab

 Posted by: Kris    Date: October 6th 2017    Categories: RAW, WWE Results

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Matt Hardy & Jason Jordan vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

Forced together by circumstance, Matt Hardy & Jason Jordan caught lighnting in a bottle by claiming a tag team win last week, and after running afoul of Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson in the backstage area tonight, a few fighting words were exchanged — “nerd” chief among them — leading them to join forces one more time for an effort against the good brothers. If only it went as well this time around.

Much like last week, Hardy pulled Jordan out of the fire following an extended isolation at the hands of Gallows & Anderson. But the end result was as different as could be, as Anderson disposed of Jordan by hurling him into the barricade, and Gallows rammed Hardy into a turnbuckle he had discreetly exposed earlier in the match, weakening Matt for the ring-shaking Magic Killer.

While it would obviously be a shame for an impromptu team as fun as Hardy & Jordan to go one and out, it’s fair to wonder after tonight if the more established tandems of Team Red have them figured out.

Credit: WWE.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: September 30th 2017    Categories: RAW, WWE Results

463 Screen Captures | 11 Digitals | Match Video
Matt Hardy & Jason Jordan vs. The Miztourage

So Jason Jordan lost his Intercontinental Title bid and Matt Hardy is down a tag team partner thanks to his brother’s injury. That doesn’t mean either is showing any signs of slowing down, however, as the impromptu squad dispatched The Miztourage in Raw’s opening contest.

It was an inspired showing from Jordan, who took out his frustrations on the meddlesome Miztourage with an impressive array of suplexes. When Jordan found himself overwhelmed by Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel, Hardy swooped in to bat cleanup. Jordan resurfaced at the moment of truth, though, blasting both Miztourage members with a double charge into the corner after Axel tried to interfere. The maneuver took the former Intercontinental Champion out of commission, and Dallas was left to suffer the Twist of Fate.

Credit: WWE.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: September 20th 2017    Categories: Gallery Additions

I’ve added a couple scans of an article featuring Matt and Jeff from Power Slam Magazine, January 2007

Gallery Link:
Magazines & Publications > Other Publications > 2007 > Power Slam Magazine – Issue 151 – January 2007

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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If you would like to donate photos, art, multimedia, news, videos, etc. to XtremeDaredevils.net, then please send them to: kris@xtremedaredevils.net.

Please, be sure to include your name so that you can receive proper credit.

Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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