Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 25th 2015    Categories: Flashback Matches

31 Captures | Match Video
I’ve uploaded a flashback match from the SmackDown December 16th, 1999, where Matt Hardy faced Jeff Hardy.

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 23rd 2015    Categories: Matt YouTube Videos

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 22nd 2015    Categories: Impact Results

208 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
Matt Hardy & The Wolves vs. The Revolution
The Wolves and Hardy attack The Revolution on the ramp. Hardy and Davey Richards double-team Manik in the ring. The Wolves and Matt Hardy sound off with a loud howl before order is restored to the match. Hardy dives toward Manik, who moves – sending Hardy to the outside.

Outside the ring, Khoya takes a cheap shot on Hardy before James Storm takes control of the match. Storm and Abyss exchange tags as they work to isolate Matt Hardy from The Wolves. Storm tags Manik, who catches Hardy with back drop. Manik puts Hardy in a headlock.

Hardy breaks the hold before catching Manik with a Side Effect. Hardy crawls toward his corner. Storm grabs Hardy by the ankle, but Hardy kicks out and tags both members of The Wolves. Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards double team James Storm – then Manik – and finally Abyss. They send “The Monster” Abyss into Khoya and Sanada, who are at ringside.

The Wolves suicide dive onto Abyss, Khoya and Sanada. Then, Hardy and The Wolves triple team Manik and get the pinfall.

Winners: Matt Hardy and The Wolves

Post-match: The Revolution attacks Hardy and The Wolves. Then, Storm orders Abyss to Black Hole slam Manik, as punishment for the loss. The Revolution carries Manik away as they leave.


 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 20th 2015    Categories: Matt YouTube Videos

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 18th 2015    Categories: Impact Results

367 Captures | Digitals | Video
Matt Gives an Update on Jeff’s Condition
Matt Hardy enters the arena to offer an update on his brother’s condition. A video recaps Jeff Hardy’s crash onto the steel steps last week.

Matt says that because Jeff loves the business so much, he’s taken incredible risks to create iconic moments. Matt said that after those moments, he’s used to a thumbs up – or a gleam in his brother’s eyes, to let him know that everything would be okay.

He says that following that fall from the cage, he didn’t get a thumbs up – and all he saw was emptiness – a broken Jeff Hardy.

James Storm, with the rest of The Revolution, interrupts. Storm said he did what the likes of Edge & Christian, Team 3D, Lashley – even The Undertaker couldn’t do. He says he put down Jeff Hardy, because in his story – heroes never win.

Storm says Matt Hardy has two options – to join The Revolution, or to be set up in a bed next to his brother.

Matt attacks! He’s easily overpowered by The Revolution 4-on-1. Storm says it’s an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. He says in this case, they’ll just take Matt Hardy’s arm. Storm instructs The Revolution to lift him up, but The Wolves make the save!


Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

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This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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