Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 26th 2015    Categories: News

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 26th 2015    Categories: Uncategorized

Today, May 26th, marks Xtreme Daredevils‘s eleventh year on the web. I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for continuing the visit and support the site. Thank you for all your donations and sweet words. This site means as much to me now as it did the day I created it; and I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have. It’s been an incredible journey, one I don’t see ending anytime soon. Thank you all so much.


 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 24th 2015    Categories: Other Results

Drew Galloway, Angelico & El Mesias vs. Matt Hardy, Ken Anderson & Johnny Mundo
A bit of miscommunication between Team USA early on. Mundo got turned around and accidentally flipped off his own corner; at least that’s what we’re going with. They let Mundo and Angelico show off for the majority of the action, which was smart. They both hit insane dives to the outside. You really got to see Galloway’s size here, as he normally doesn’t play the “big man” in his matches. Your traditional “everyone hit their finishers” spot as the clock winded down. Gallows rolled through a backslide pin and hit the Future Shock DDT on Mundo, but turned around into the Twist of Fate from Hardy, who turns around into a huge step-up kick from Angelico, who turns around into the Mic Check from Anderson, who turns into a big spear from Mesias. The clock runs out as Mundo went for the pin, the referee never attempted to make the count and Vampiro trashed him for it.

It’s Galloway vs. Mundo in sudden death. They slug away at the bell and Mundo hits a set of superkicks for two. Galloway tries for a Fujiwara armbar but doesn’t get it, and they collide with crossbodies in the middle of the ring. Drew with a modified emerald fusion, but the referee counts so slow he only gets two; again Vamp gives him hell. Mundo with the Shooting Star Press off the top for the win. To be fair… the ref counted slow for both guys.

Advancing: Team USA #2

The Americans immediately go into super heel mode, throwing all the disrespect at the legends. They work over Blue Demon for most of the match. They builds towards the comeback, which sees all three of them hit suicidas, throwing they can still pull out the big moves when it counts. A brawl breaks out on the floor and Johnny Mundo takes advantage with everyone else distracted, hitting Wagner with the Shooting Star Press for the huge, huge surprise upset.

Advancing: Team USA #2

-The legends try to celebrate on the ramp afterwards and the Americans crash their party. Demon goes after Matt Hardy and they chase each other around, as Johnny Mundo gives them and the fans the double birds. And now they’ve put heat on Team USA for the finals.

Continue reading  »

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 22nd 2015    Categories: Matt YouTube Videos

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 18th 2015    Categories: Matt YouTube Videos

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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If you would like to donate photos, art, multimedia, news, videos, etc. to XtremeDaredevils.net, then please send them to: kris@xtremedaredevils.net.

Please, be sure to include your name so that you can receive proper credit.

Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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