Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 15th 2016    Categories: Matt YouTube Videos

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 13th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

426 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
The Decay (c) w/Rosemary vs. Jeff Hardy & James Storm for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
Steve and Hardy starts off the match. Steve applies a side headlock. Steve with a side headlock takedown. Steve drops Hardy with a shoulder tackle. Hardy responds with a hip toss. Hardy with a armbar and tags in Storm. Storm with a double axe handle to Steve. Storm with a double underhook suplex for a two count. Storm chops Steve in the chest. Storm irish whips Steve to the corner. Steve gives Storm a big boot. Storm with a neckbreaker to Steve for a two count. Steve rolls to the corner and tags in Abyss. Storm lands a series of right hands to Abyss. Storm tries to clothesline Abyss, but he stands still. Storm ducks a clothesline and lands a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Storm launches Steve over the top rope. Steve with a clothesline to Storm. Steve tags in Abyss. Abyss with the Decay Chokeslam to Storm.

Abyss drops Storm with a big right hand. Abyss launches Storm to the corner. Abyss with a corner clothesline. Abyss tags in Steve. Steve goes for a cannonball, but Storm rolls out of the way. Storm tags in Hardy. Hardy with a series of right hands to Steve. Hardy with a inverted atomic drop and follows up with a basement dropkick for a two count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Steve shoves Hardy to the corner. Steve tags in Abyss. Storm with a enziguri to the back of Abyss. Hardy connects with the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes for the Swanton Bomb, but the lights go out. Willow’s music hits. A man under the Willow mask appears on the stage and has a stare off with Hardy. Abyss spits the mist in Hardy’s face. Abyss with a Black Hole Slam to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still TNA World Tag Team Champions The Decay

Credit: WrestleZone.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 6th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

1042 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
Jeff Hardy vs. Mike Bennett w/Maria Kanellis
Bennett with a standing suplex to Hardy for a two count. Bennett applies a side headlock. Hardy with a couple of back elbows to Bennett’s ribs. Hardy connects with the inverted atomic drop. Hardy with two double leg dropkicks to Bennett for a two count. Hardy goes for Twist of Fate, but Bennett stands still. Hardy puts Bennett on the top rope. Lashley comes down to the ring. Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate off the top rope, but Bennett shoves Hardy into a Lashley Spear to cause the disqualification. Bennett thanks Lashely. Lashley drops Bennett with a Spear. Lashley grabs the mic and says that he’s going to continue to Spear the TNA Locker Room, until he gets want he wants.

Lashley wants a opportunity at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Dixie Carter comes out. Dixie asks Lashley if he thinks Dixie is gullible enough to hand over a TNA World Title Shot? Dixie says that she’s the boss around here, not Lashley. This is not the way to go about things. Dixie says that in TNA they don’t hand out World Title Shots, people earn it. Dixie says that everybody wants to see a huge main event tonight. Dixie announces that Bobby Lashley will take on Mike Bennett and Jeff Hardy in a Triple Threat Match to determine the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Dixie also announces that Drew Galloway will be the special guest referee for this match.

Winner: Jeff Hardy via DQ

Bobby Lashley vs. Mike Bennett w/Maria Kanellis vs. Jeff Hardy in a Triple Threat Match to determine the Number One Contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Bennett stomps on Hardy’s chest in the corner. Lashley shoves Bennett away. Lashley stomps on Hardy’s chest. Galloway gets Lashley off of Hardy. Bennett and Lashley begins to double team Hardy. Lashley lands a forearm to Hardy in the corner. Lashley knocks Hardy down with a clothesline. Bennett goes for the pin, but Hardy kicks out at two. Lashley works on the back of Hardy. Bennett and Lashley argue in the ring. Hardy ducks a double clothesline and lands one of his own. Hardy clotheslines Lashley and Bennett. Hardy clotheslines Lashley over the top rope. Hardy with a back bodydrop that sends Bennett crashing to the outside. Hardy connects with the Whisper in the Wind to both Bennett and Lashley. Hardy drops Bennett with the Twist of Fate. Hardy drags Bennett to the corner. Hardy connects with the Swanton Bomb.

Lashley drops Hardy with a running powerslam. Lashley kicks Bennett in the gut. Lashley with a delayed vertical suplex to Bennett. Lashley sets up for the Spear. Lashley accidentally spears Galloway. Bennett with a cutter to Lashley. Hardy dropkicks Bennett out of the ring. Hardy connects with the Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb to Lashley. Hardy goes for the pin, but Galloway is laid out. Hardy with a slingshot crossbody onto Bennett to the outside. Hardy bounces Bennett’s head on the steel ring steps. Hardy lands a lariat. Hardy rips his shirt off. Hardy with the Swanton Bomb to Bennett on the steel ring steps. The Decay comes out and attacks Hardy. Steve drives Hardy back first to the ring apron. Abyss chokeslams Hardy on the steel ring steps. Lashley connects with the running spear that sends Hardy crashing back first to the steel ring post. Lashley rolls Hardy into the ring. Lashley with another spear to pickup the victory. After the match Lashley tells Galloway to raise his hand. Galloway ducks a clothesline. Galloway lands a series of right hands. Galloway connects with a running boot. Galloway and Bennett exchange in a pure fight to end the show.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Credit: WrestleZone.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: April 28th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

 Posted by: Kris    Date: April 20th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

1538 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy in a I Quit Match
Matt drives Jeff to the corner. Matt with a series of right hands. Jeff drops Matt with a headscissors takedown. Matt and Jeff exchange back and forth right hands. Jeff goes for the Twist of Fate, but Matt counters with a back elbow. Jeff connects with a double leg dropkick. Jeff gets Matt in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Referee asks Matt if he wants to quit. Matt says no. Jeff holds still on the figure four then Matt reverses the hold. Rockstar Spud comes out and immediately lands a series of right hands to Jeff. Jeff powerbomb’s Spud. Matt takes advantage of the distraction and clotheslines Jeff over the top rope. Matt bounces Jeff’s head on the steel ring steps. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but Jeff sends Matt face first to the steel ring post. Jeff clothesline Matt over the steel guard rail. Jeff goes for the Poetry in Motion over the steel guard rail, but Matt counters by throwing a chair to Jeff’s face. Matt applies a wrist lock.

Referee asks Jeff if he wants to quit and he says no. Jeff gets Matt in a armbar. Matt whacks Jeff in the face with a steel chair. Matt grabs a lead pipe. Jeff kicks Matt in the gut. Matt and Jeff battle around the production area. Matt chokes Jeff with the steel chair. Matt drives the chair multiple times to the midsection of Jeff. Matt places the chair around Jeff’s neck. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but Jeff bites Matt’s thumb. Jeff with multiple chair shots to the back of Matt. Jeff places a steel guard rail in between the stage. Jeff grabs a ladder. Jeff sets up the ladder upon the outskirts of the staging area. Jeff puts Matt laying flat on the steel guard rail. Jeff climbs the ladder, but Matt lands a series of clubbing blows to the back of Jeff. Matt drives Jeff through the steel guard rail with the Side Effect. Matt puts Jeff laying flat on a platform by the stage. Jeff gets Matt in a sleeper hold, but Matt won’t quit as he passes out. Jeff tells the referee that this match won’t end until Matt says “I Quit”.

Jeff puts Matt on a table. Jeff climbs up the stairs. Jeff plants Matt with the Swanton Bomb off the top of the staircase rails. Matt Hardy gets put on a stretcher to end the show.

Winner: No Contest


Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Please, be sure to include your name so that you can receive proper credit.

Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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