Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: April 29th 2014    Categories: TNA PPV Results

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Willow & Kurt Angle vs. Rockstar Spud & EC3
Spud starts off the match, but Angle refuses to wrestle anybody but Carter. EC3 gets in the ring, but bails to the outside immediately. Angle gets on the mat and challenges him to actually wrestle, but when Carter attempts to take a cheap shot Kurt sweaps his legs and gets in a few right hands. EC3 again escapes to the outside, and Spud gives him a pep talk. When they look up, Willow has his umbrella, and jumps through both of them.

Back in the ring Angle tags out to Jeff, who hits Whisper in the Wind through both opponents. Hardy dances around the ring, periodically stopping to bash Spud’s face into a turnbuckle. Standing splash to Rockstar for a two-count. When Willow turns around he gets blasted by EC3, which turns the match back over to the heels.

Somehow Kurt is still on the outside of the ring, looking dead. Carter is the legal man, and he has Willow in a side headlock. Jeff breaks out of the hold, hits a jawbreaker, and follows that up with a mule kick. He goes for the Twist of Fate, but Spud nails him from behind and EC3 follows up with a dropkick. Carter goes for a submission, but in comes Kurt Angle to hit a trio of German suplexes on him.

Rockstar Spud comes in from behind, and gets a release suplex for his trouble. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock, but Carter chop blocks his knee out. Willow makes the save for his team, and hits a split-leg leg drop on EC3, followed by an interesting cartwheel forearm shot. Spud gets a neckbreaker, which sets up Hardy to hit Poetry in Motion on Carter.

Alone in the ring, Spud takes a Twist of Fate from Willow, followed by an Angle Slam from Kurt. Hardy with the Swanton Bomb, and the babyfaces win.

Winners: Kurt Angle & Willow

Credit: WrestleView.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: March 10th 2014    Categories: TNA PPV Results

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Lethal Lockdown
Team MVP vs. Team Dixie
MVP starts things out for his team against Austin Aries. MVP with a suplex followed by a kip up – clearly still in good shape, maybe better. He locks in a side headscissors but Aries rolls through, jumping out of the hold and dropkicking MVP. The clock counts down and Robbie E gives his team the first advantage of this match.

The heels put the boots to MVP for several minutes until Eddie Edwards evens the odds. He hits the ring and slaps the hell out of Robbie E, before hitting Aries with an inverted suplex. DJ Zema Ion tries to climb the cage, but Edwards tosses Robbie into him and knocks him to the floor on the outside. MVP has a blatant choke on Bobby Roode, but I guess in this match there’s no referee, so no ropebreak.

Jessie Godderz is next up to give Team Dixie the advantage again. As the fresh man he dropkicks MVP and Eddie, and now the heels are back firmly in control. The beatdown continues for several minutes until Davey Richards hits the ring. The Wolves go crazy on the BroMans with chops and kicks in the corner. There’s a pretty loud “f**k em up Davey” chant.

Bobby Roode is the 7th man to hit the ring, and he comes face-to-face with MVP. They stare each other down before coming to blows, swinging wildly with rights and lefts. It’s a crazy brawl for several minutes until the clock counts down from ten. The lights go out and when they come back on, Willow is standing on top of the steel cage. He leaps off the cage and takes all four of the heels down, as the cover to the cage is slowly lowered.

Just as the match is about to get good, Dixie Carter comes out and announces her special guest referee… Bully Ray!

Bully Ray pulls out a table from under the ring and throws it through the cage door. The heels now have all the weapons and are completely destroying Team MVP. This continues on for a few minutes, although it feels like forever. Hardy shoots Robbie E into the steel cage, and MVP rocks Bobby Roode with a trash can off the skull. The Wolves hit their assisted kick on Jessie and grab the last remaining weapons off the top of the cage.

Shades of Shane McMahon, the Wolves put Robbie E in the corner, placing a trash can in his face, and hitting Coast-to-Coast from two corners of the ring. A “this is awesome” chant from a few fans. Austin Aries catches Davey with a Brainbuster through a steel chair, and Willow breaks up the pin at the last minute. Willow hits a Twist of Fate on Aries and nails him with the Swanton Bomb. He counts 1…2…Roode breaks up the pin at…4 and a half? Ish?

Roode hoists up MVP and looks to put him through a table, but Bully Ray gets in his face. Roode shoves Bully, and Bully hits him with a massive S-T-O. MVP comes out of nowhere with a boot through Bobby Roode’s face, and Bully counts the 1-2-3.

Winners: MVP, The Wolves & Willow

So MVP now has total control of “wrestling operations” in TNA Wrestling.

Credit: WrestleZone.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 12th 2014    Categories: TNA PPV Results

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Melissa was able to track down and make screen captures and videos of TNA’s One Night Only: Old School pay-per-view that aired earlier this month. Jeff faced Abyss in a Monster’s Ball match. It was a pretty intense match. Enjoy! And thank you, Melissa!

 Posted by: Kris    Date: December 21st 2013    Categories: TNA PPV Results

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Jeff Hardy vs. Magnus
Magnus’s music played to bring out the tournament finalist. Magnus entered the ring as Mike Tenay noted Magnus is concerned after Jeff Hardy visited Carter at the end of last week’s Impact broadcast. Once in the ring, Magnus said he loves this business. “I love it,” he said. Which is why he and the rest of the wrestlers in the back put their bodies on the line. Magnus said he is proud that to have made his living for the last five years in the U.S., but there was some adjusting to do early on. Specifically, money. But, it’s not about that for him. For him, it’s always been about pride, honor, dignity, and respect. He wonders if the same can be said for his opponent, Jeff Hardy. “Hardy, Hardy” chant from the few in attendance.

Magnus said he’s as big of a Hardy fan as anyone, but maybe there’s just one little demon creeping its way back in. Greed. And he says that because Hardy was filmed having drinks with Dixie Carter. Magnus said he thinks Hardy owes them an explanation. Because this is the most important match of his life and he won’t let Hardy, Dixie, or Jeff fool him.

Hardy’s music provided an answer, bringing out the other tournament finalist. Jeff Hardy entered the ring to stare down Magnus, then noted Magnus is jumping to a big conclusion. Magnus said this is the biggest night of his life, so he’s not going to let any chances go. He wants an explanation. Magnus brought up 10-10-10 (when Hardy turned heel to become TNA champ). Hardy wiped his forehead in frustration, saying that was a different time and place. Magnus said he doesn’t think it’s so much different. Magnus said everyone has forgiven him, but what are his creatures going to think if he sells out.

Hardy sold inner conflict, then told Magnus to worry about his life. “Don’t worry about mine,” Hardy exclaimed in a defensive manner. Hardy threw down the mic and walked off as the announcers wondered why Hardy was not being straight-forward.

Continue reading  »

 Posted by: Kris    Date: October 21st 2013    Categories: TNA PPV Results

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The crowd is very pro-Aries. They were chanting his name before the show even began. The ring clears to start things off, with Joe and Sabin going at it alone in the ring. Manik joins the fight and locks in the Deathlock on Sabin, until Aries comes in and nails him with a suplex. Jeff Hardy wastes little time in getting a ladder, but Joe suicide dives through the ropes and takes him out. Aries takes them all out before posing on the top rope, much to the delight of the fans.

Manik hits a pretty sweet double team headscissors on Sabin and Aries, before tossing Chris to the outside. Aries starts dropkicking everyone. He tries to get Joe up for the Brainbuster, but winds up in a Rear Naked Choke. Hardy with Whisper in the Wind on Sabin; a couple fans actually boo him. A ladder gets set up in the ring, and Sabin knocks it down, sending Manik and Aries into the ropes. Sabin forces Velvet Sky into the ring, telling her to go get the title. She distracts Hardy long enough for Sabin to scale a ladder and grab the title for the win.


Credit: WrestleZone.com

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

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This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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