Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 14th 2021    Categories: Impact Plus Events

Impact World Tag Team Championship: The Good Brothers (c) vs. James Storm & Chris Sabin vs. Private Party (w/Matt Hardy)
James Storm and Marq Quen kick things off. Storm shoves Quen over towards the corner with a tight collar-and-elbow lockup. Storm throws Quen over towards his corner. Isiah Kassidy makes a blind tag in. Matt Hardy pulls Private Party aside to talk strategy. Chris Sabin is tagged in by Storm. Both Sabin and Kassidy go back and forth with sunset flip rollups. Kassidy puts a tight sidelock on Sabin. Quen tags himself in. Private Party shows off some high-flying offense before Quen takes over.

Quen baits Sabin in with chin lock. Sabin rolls through. Karl Anderson tags himself in off of Sabin. Kassidy makes his way back into the match. Kassidy twists Anderson’s arm up. He goes over for a tag to Quen. Quen makes his way in but tries to get another quick tag to Kassidy. Anderson drags him over to his corner and brings in Doc Gallows. Gallows lays in some heavy hands on Quen before he brings Anderson back in. Gallows is just manhandling Quen in the corner. He gets his a tag out to Anderson.

Anderson locks up Quen’s leg and brings Gallows back in. Gallows drops down on top of Quen for a near fall. Gallows brings Anderson back in. Anderson’s dojo training skills are shown with a tight armlock on Quen. Quen rolls over and James Storm makes his way into the ring. Sabin runs in to help Storm out with a tornado DDT. Storm looks for a cover on Anderson and the Tag Team Champion kicks out. Private Party and Sabin are now in the ring. Private Party come in with combination offense. Quen crashes on top of Sabin’s back with a standing moonsault. Private Party continues their beautiful offense with Sliced Bread on James. Kassidy hooks the leg. Storm kicks out!

Chaos ensues with gunshot offense from all three teams. Karl Anderson lands a gut-wrenching powerbomb. James Storm comes in with the Eye of the Storm on Quen. Storm hooks the leg for a two count! Matt Hardy makes his way in with a Twist of Fate on Storm. Anderson slides in after he sees Kassidy and Quen land a swanton bomb and moonsault from off the top rope on Storm. Anderson hooks the leg on Storm to retain the titles.

Winners: The Good Brothers

Post-Match: Matt Hardy is asking Private Party how could they let him down. He is furious!

Results Credit: WrestlingINC.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > IMPACT Plus Events > 2021 > No Surrender
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling Photos > IMPACT Plus Events > 2021 > No Surrender

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 10th 2021    Categories: Impact Results

James Storm & Chris Sabin vs. The Good Brothers (c)
It’s Sabin and Anderson starting matters off. Big arm drag downs Karl. Tag to Storm who leaps off with an axe handle on Karl’s arm. Knee drop for a two count. He wrenches Karl’s arm and tags Sabin in again. Chris then does a reverse arm whip. Double back elbow to Anderson. In comes Gallows but BeerGuns lariats him out and we go to commercial break.

Anderson feeling the offense of Storm and Sabin. Snapmare by Storm. Sabin tags himself in and elbows Anderson before cornering him. Anderson gets him to his own corner and tags in Gallows. Hard whip into the corner Doc does to Sabin. Big elbow drops onto Sabin and Storm has to break it all up. Anderson soon gets the tag in and headlocks Sabin on the mat.

Out comes Private Party with Matt Hardy and they stand on stage. Gallows yells at them and Sabin gives him an enziguri. Tag to Storm and he’s the hot tag baby. Neckbreaker to Anderson after a Manhattan drop to Gallows. Headscissors takedown to Karl. Lung blower. Sabin goes for the cover, but Private Party interfere. Bell rings and it’s a DQ W.

WINNERS: Sabin and Storm

Backstage, Matt Hardy notes Private Party “eliminated” Sabin and Cowboy as D’Amore comes in. He suggests his boys kind of crossed the line here with that interference. He’s got a problem because they spoiled the party for Sabin and Storm. He reveals that it’s a three way dance this weekend at No Surrender!

Results Credit: WrestleZone.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA IMPACT! > 2021 > February 9th
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > IMPACT! > 2021 > February 9th

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 3rd 2021    Categories: Impact Results

Big Money Matt is with Private Party. He always has a plan. Private Party could win the tag team battle royal tomorrow on AEW Beach Break. He hates to use the word “bounty”, but there is an incentive for Private Party to secure both the AEW and IMPACT tag belts. Matt has everything under control, he just needs Marq and Isiah to “show up.” They reassure him before we cut to break.

Results Credit: WrestleZone.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA IMPACT! > 2021 > February 2nd
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > IMPACT! > 2021 > February 2nd

 Posted by: Kris    Date: January 27th 2021    Categories: Impact Results

Private Party and Matt Hardy are backstage. Hardy tries to take credit for it and Private Party kind of agree. Now they got to concern about No Surrender. He places a “bounty”/”bonus” for the IMPACT Tag Titles and the AEW Tag Titles. “More money” for Matt means more money for Private Party.

Results Credit: WrestleZone.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA IMPACT! > 2021 > January 26th
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > IMPACT! > 2021 > January 26th

 Posted by: Kris    Date: January 20th 2021    Categories: Impact Results

Good Brothers come out and said they made history again on January 16. They did what they always do when the three of them get together: make world wide headlines. The party has been going on since Saturday and it hasn’t stopped. It doesn’t matter because they’re going to hold onto those tag titles as long as they want. They do a “Too Sweet” before Chris Sabin comes out.

Sabin says he knows The Good Brothers treat IMPACT as their own personal party bus. He wasn’t pinned in the main event and nor was Alex Shelley so they deserve a tag team title rematch. Doc notes that he doesn’t have a partner. Sabin notes that he does have a partner and he knows a thing or two about tag wrestling. Out comes James Storm.

Storm notes his and Sabin’s accolades before noting that they have something they want. The Good Brothers don’t put fear into their opponents when they walk down the ramp, and Storm continues to take digs before out comes Matt Hardy and Private Party. He talks about there’s six-man tag match tomorrow tonight for them, but Hardy wants PP to have a warm-up match. He runs down his fees for Kassidy and Quen, but Storm has enough of their BS because this is a conversation that doesn’t involve them. Hardy challenges The Good Brothers and notes that he and Jeff Hardy never lost those belts and he thinks that’s unfair. Doc suggests that Private Party and Sabin & James Storm duke it out with one another to earn that right. Hardy is gonna get in contact with his lawyers and makes sure that happens.

Chris Sabin & James Storm vs. Private Party (w/ Matt Hardy)
Sabin and Kassidy tie it up. Striker notes their training background in NYC. They come to a very athletic stalemate and the two exchange hand shakes. Double teaming by PP. Two count. Double axe handle to the ribs, but Sabin gets the tag to Storm who goes on a flurrry. Big tornado DDT from Isiah. Enziguri to Storm up top and he goes tumbling to the outside. We see Jerry Lynn and Tony Khan sit at ringside. Khan is taking notes. We go to break.

Back from it, Storm is isolated. Matt Striker notes that Isiah Kassidy’s mother tells him to stay away from Matt Hrdy. Near fall on Storm. Storm bear hubs and suplexes himself free. Sabin comes in hot and takes out both men, giving Isiah a tornado DDT before missile dropkicking Quen down. Storm gets to his feet and Storm pushes off Sabin to add some “ooomph” onto his tornado DDT. Cover but the save is made. Storm takes out Kassidy as Sabin strikes Quen and Storm catches him with a lungblower.

Later on, Storm gives a running neckbreaker. Enziguri from Kassidy to Storm. All men are soon down as Hardy yells at Isiah. Sabin and Quen trade shots. Great double teams by PP. Moonsault onto Isiah’s knees gets a two count on Sabin. Isiah dives big onto Storm. Sabin goes to attack PP up top, but Jerry Lynn runs in and grabs Sabin’s leg, allowing Private Party to hit a Gin N’ Juice for the win.


Good Brothers come out and stare down Private Party, but Storm and Sabin come in and it’s chaos to end the show.

Results Credit: WrestleZone.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA IMPACT! > 2021 > January 19th
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling Photos > Weekly & Pay-Per-View Digitals > IMPACT! > 2021 > January 19th

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

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This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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