Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: July 24th 2014    Categories: Impact Results

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Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley knocks Hardy down a few times before Hardy catches him with a stepover heel kick, then he knocks Lashley outside and dives on him. Hardy moves the steps but Lashley whips him at them, then Hardy tries to springboard off of them but Lashley sweeps his legs and slams his face off of them. We get back from a break to see Lashley hit Hardy in the corner and put him in a torture rack position, but Hardy floats over and takes him down with a clothesline and an atomic drop. Hardy hits a legdrop and dropkick, then he whips Lashley and elbows him before following with Whisper In The Wind. Hardy charges the corner but Lashley elbows him, then he blocks a headscissors by Hardy and calls for a powerslam. Hardy counters with a Twist of Fate, then he holds on and hits a second Twist of Fate before heading up top, and he hits a Swanton for two. He throws Lashley into the steps on the floor and heads up top, attempting a Swanton onto the steps, but Lashley rolls away and Hardy lands hard on the steps. Lashley rolls him back in, then hits a spear to retain.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Credit: WrestleZone.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: July 12th 2014    Categories: Impact Results

672 Captures | 3 Digitals | Match Video
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Willow Steps Aside
Kurt Angle comes out and says tonight is a champions’ showcase, and he runs down the Tag Team, Knockouts and X Division Championship matches. He says the winner of a twenty man battle royal will also get a title shot against Lashley next week, and he wishes them all luck. Kurt calls Willow to the ring and says he knows why Willow was created, and it was because Dixie Carter took advantage of Jeff Hardy, and he went to a dark place. He is here to tell Willow that Dixie and MVP are gone, so he needs the most competitive guy there is, and he needs Jeff Hardy to come back, at least for the night. Kurt asks him to consider, but Willow shakes his hand and nods, then Kurt looks happy as he walks away.

20 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Receives A Title Shot Next Week)
Everyone slugs it out and picks a corner, then The Freak chokes Jessie and throws him outside after Jessie had eliminated Crazy Steve. DJ Z is next out, then Bram, Magnus and Knux slug it out, and Knux goes for a big boot but Bram ducks and gets hung up in the ropes. Magnus dumps him outside, then Hardy fights to avoid an elimination by Storm, and Tigre Uno goes for a hurricanrana on Magnus but Bram elbows him in the head and sends him to the floor. Sanada gets knocked outside, followed by Magnus, and Bully fights with Ethan on the apron while Storm sends Anderson outside. Storm sends Gunner right out after Anderson, then Hardy hits Bram with a Twist of Fate and clotheslines him to eliminate him. Spud helps Ethan stay in the match while Bram flips out about his elimination, then Abyss (not in the match) runs to the ring and Bram tries to hit him with part of the turnbuckle. Abyss blocks it and punches Bram several times, and they fight to the back as King throws Manik over the ropes and to the floor. We get back from a break to see Roode throw Storm outside, then Spud tries to attack Bully before he backs down. Bully hits him in the crotch before Ethan saves him, and he hits Bully several times before Spud chokes Bully on the ropes. Spud heads up top but Bully catches him and throws him on the floor, then he hits Ethan in the back of head. Bully clotheslines him but accidentally eliminates himself too, and they both hit the floor as King stomps Eric in the corner. King hits Roode a few times before Roode meets him with a spinebuster, then Roode attempts a Roode Bomb but King grabs the ropes to block it. MVP hits Roode in the stomach with his crutches and King sends him outside, but Eric dumps King right over the ropes and we are down to Eric Young and Jeff Hardy. Hardy shakes Eric’s hand and they go for a tie up, then they spill to the apron but Hardy headbutts Eric and throws him into the turnbuckles. Hardy kicks him and whips him across the ring, but Eric lands on the apron and struts (Flair style) before hitting a shoulder tackle. Eric tries to springboard in but Hardy kicks him, then Eric fights to hold the ropes but Hardy hits a top rope dropkick and sends him to the floor.

Winner – Jeff Hardy

Credit: WrestleZone.com

 Posted by: Kris    Date: June 28th 2014    Categories: Impact Results

395 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
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Monster’s Ball
Bram & Magnus vs. Abyss & Willow
Abyss clotheslines Bram outside as Magnus attacks Willow, then Willow hits an atomic drop and a dropkick before following with a back handspring elbow. Abyss goes for a barbed wire board but Bram hits him back, then Abyss drops him with a punch and he and Willow fill the ring with weapons. Bram and Magnus beat them with trash cans and kendo sticks, then Willow comes back with a somersault dive and a jawbreaker. Willow dropkicks Bram into the corner and hits him with a chair, then he slams a trash can on his head and dropkicks it.

Willow goes for a Swanton Bomb but comes up empty, then Magnus hits Abyss with a chair and stomps Magnus in the corner. Bram stumbles back in the ring, busted open, as Abyss finds ‘Janice’ under the ring, and he swings with it but Bram ducks it. Abyss gets the weapon stuck in the turnbuckle so Magnus hits him with a chair, then he takes it in the ring and goes after Willow. Bram handcuffs Abyss to the barricade and kicks him, then he hits Willow in the back with a chair and Magnus gets a two count.

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 Posted by: Kris    Date: June 21st 2014    Categories: Impact Results

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TNA World Tag Team Championships
Triple Threat Match
We can name Willow & Abyss “The Wacky Weirdos.” Aries and Willow will start the match off against each other. Aries takes Willow down in a waistlock and then flips him over into a nearfall. Aries puts Willow in a side headlock but Hardy breaks it with a series of elbows. Willow gets Aries in a side headlock until Aries shoves him into the corner. Aries charges right into a floatover into a Spinning Headscissors from Willow. Willow goes for a splash but Aries moves out of the way and tags in Joe. Aries and Joe whip Willow into the ropes connecting with a Double Back Elbow. Joe hits a Knee Drop and follows up with a series of forearms, knees, and headbutts. Willow blocks a knee and connects with a Jawbreaker. Abyss tags into the match and splashes Joe in the corner and then drops down to his knee as Willow dives off his back into a dropkick on Joe in the corner! Abyss goes for a clothesline but Joe ducks it and locks in the Coquina Clutch! Abyss tries to break it up but Aries catches him with a drop toehold and locks in the Last Chancery! The Wolves break up both holds and all hell has broken loose. The Wolves attempt to send Aries and Joe into the ropes, but they reverse it only for The Wolves to put the brakes on as they hit the ropes. Joe and Aries charge at The Wolves but they drop down to the mat, Joe and Aries flying out to the floor. The Wolves attempt Dual Sliding Dropkicks but Joe and Aries sidestep them and quickly roll back in the ring. Joe and Aries hit Double Tope Suicida’s through the ropes onto The Wolves on the floor! In the back Tommy Dreamer is shown arriving to the building.

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 Posted by: Kris    Date: June 17th 2014    Categories: TNA PPV Results

682 Captures | 5 Digitals | Match Video
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Willow (w/ Abyss) vs. Magnus (w/ Bram)
Magnus gets a slam and goes for the pin much too early. He picks up Hardy and lays him out with a monster clothesline. Shots to the mid-section that take Willow off his feet, but Hardy counters with a sunset flip; Magnus rolls through with a huge powerbomb. He hits a vertical suplex for a two-count, and goes immediately into a side headlock. Willow slowly battles back with elbows, but gets caught again in a rest hold. The referee starts to come him out, but Hardy answers on the third time and fights back, escaping the hold and exploding with a diving clothesline. He hits a split-leg ledgrop, followed by a spinning dropkick to send Magnus to the corner. He follows that up with a handspring forearm. Twist of Fate attempt, but Magnus shakes him off. Hardy kicks him to the floor and does a splash off the second rope, then tries for a Swanton Bomb but Magnus rolls out of the way. Bram tries to get involved, but Abyss is there and the two start throwing bones on the outside. Magnus comes from behind and holds Abyss down while Bram beats on him, but Willow flies off the top rope backwards, taking them both out. It’s now Bram and Abyss in the ring – who is in this match again? – with the Monster hitting several clotheslines. Hardy with the Twist of Fate – he hits two of them, just for good measure, but Magnus kicks out. Bram has a metal bar, but Abyss goes under the ring and grabs… Janice! He backs Bram up the ramp and the two of them leave the ringside area. Back in the ring, Magnus hits a belly-to-belly suplex for the win.

Winner: Magnus

Credit: WrestleZone.com

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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