Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: June 27th 2015    Categories: Impact Results

498 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
Main Event | Matt Hardy vs. Kurt Angle
Hardy immediately focuses his attack on Angle’s neck. He connects with an early neckbreaker. Hardy whips Angle into the corner, but he counters with a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle makes a pin attempt; Hardy kicks out.

Angle applies a chin lock but Hardy powers out and delivers a swinging side Russian leg sweep. Hardy and Angle exchange a series rights, culminating in three German suplexes to Hardy.

Hardy regains his footing and drops Angle with a Side Effect! Angle powers out of the pin attempt and connects with an Angle Slam! Following the slam, Angle applies the Ankle Lock! Hardy rolls through into a pin attempt; Angle’s out at two.

Hardy misses a moonsault and Angle catches Hardy with two more German suplexes. Hardy counters a third and then he counters another Angle Slam attempt. Hardy connects with two more Side Effects and a Twist of Fate!

Angle’s shoulder barely comes off the mat. When Hardy attempts another Twist of Fate, Angle drops him and applies the Ankle Lock to earn the submission.

Winner: Kurt Angle

Post-match: EC3 and Tyrus attack Kurt Angle. Matt Hardy fends off Tyrus though and Angle applies the Ankle Lock to EC3. EC3 taps as Impact goes off the air.


 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 10th 2015    Categories: Impact Results

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 2nd 2015    Categories: Impact Results

408 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
Six-Man Tag | The Hardys & Davey Richards vs. The Revolution
The participants spill, brawling, from the back into the Impact Zone! The Hardys and Richards gain the advantage and introduce weapons into the bout before the opening bell. Richards rolls Manik into the ring, where he mounts him in the corner and unloads a series of rights. He whips Manik across the ring and connects with a back body drop.

Richards lifts – and holds – Manik for an impressive and lengthy vertical suplex! Beyond the ring, Khoya smashes a trash can lid across Jeff Hardy’s face while Matt Hardy chokes Abyss with a kendo stick! Manik counters a charging Richards with a neckbreaker. Then, he attempts a vertical suplex of his own, but The Hardys make the save. They dispose of Manik and are rejoined by Davey Richards for a triple team assault on Abyss!

After having a chair driven hard into his face, Abyss is caught in a Twist of Fate! Jeff heads to the top for a Swanton, but Manik trips him, allowing The Revolution to shift the momentum. Khoya rips Jeff from the turnbuckle and powers him down with a powerbomb-like side slam! Abyss and Manik assault Matt and Richards, respectively.

Manik catches Richards with a running dropkick and begins choking the lone Wolf. Abyss drives Matt face-first into the stairs, while Jeff sends Khoya tumbling from the ring with a dropkick. Manik’s assault on Richards is unrelenting; he connects with a series of suplexes.

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 Posted by: Kris    Date: April 26th 2015    Categories: Impact Results, Video Site Additions

 Posted by: Kris    Date: April 18th 2015    Categories: Gallery Additions, Impact Results

743 Captures | Digitals | Qualifying Match Video | Ultimate X Match Video
Qualifying Tag Team Contest | The Hardys vs. The Revolution
James Storm and Khoya attack The Hardys before the bell. The Hardys ground Khoya and send James Storm flying into the guardrail. Jeff leaps from the apron with a cross body to Storm; Matt jumps at Khoya. Khoya catches Matt and drives him into the steel steps.

Jeff rolls into the ring as Storm steals and uses a fan’s replica title belt to take a cheap shot on Matt. Storm and Khoya methodically isolate and double team Matt Hardy. Storm connects with a double knee facebreaker; Khoya follows it up with a clothesline.

Storm and Khoya exchange tags again as the crowd comes to life behind Matt. Matt counters Storm with a Side Effect before making the hot tag to Jeff. Jeff unleashes his fury on The Revolution. A distraction by Khoya allows Storm a cheap shot.

Jeff Hardy battles back with an attempted Twist of Fate to Storm – and Khoya. Both counter, but Jeff ducks and Storm nails Khoya with a Last Call! Matt Hardy finally scores a Twist of Fate that sets Khoya up for the Swanton and pin! The Hardys advance to Ultimate X for the TNA World Tag Team Championships.

Winners: The Hardys

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Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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If you would like to donate photos, art, multimedia, news, videos, etc. to XtremeDaredevils.net, then please send them to: kris@xtremedaredevils.net.

Please, be sure to include your name so that you can receive proper credit.

Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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