Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: April 1st 2016    Categories: Impact Results

1919 Captures | Digitals | Matt’s Match Video | Jeff’s Match Video
Match 1: EC3 vs Hardy Family
EC3 and Tyrus start the match off but Rockstar Spud tries a sneak attack but gets caught by EC3. The distraction gives Tyrus the edge and he clobbers EC3 from behind. EC3 gets worked over by Tyrus with some body punches but is able to escape and deliver some chops of his own on the big man. EC3 knocks Matt and Rockstar Spud off the ring apron but stops short of punching Reby Hardy. The momentary pause allows Tyrus to stay in control and he delivers a big T-Bone Suplex on EC3. Big Slam, Elbow Drop, Press cover applied by Tyrus on EC3, but Ethan Carter is able to kick out. Another Elbow Drop across the lower back of EC3 and Tyrus does some push-ups on him while he is down. Tyrus key locks EC3 and tags in Rockstar Spud who unloads a flury of vengeful punches on EC3. Tyrus tags back in and EC3 is able to get in some punches on him in the corner. Tyrus cuts EC3’s offense short by dropping him throat first on the top rope and tags Rockstar Spud back in. Tyrus and Spud deliver a tandem Slam/Splash into a pin but EC3 is able to kick out. We see Mike Bennett and Maria watching at ringside with interest. Tyrus tags back in and works the ribs and body of EC3 again until he tags in The Iconic Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy goes to work on EC3 with more punches to the head. He gains full control and holds EC3 while Reby Hardy slaps Ethan Carter III across the face multiple times from the outside. Matt tags in Rockstar Spud, and he delivers another kick to EC3’s stomach. Front facelock applied by Rockstar Spud on EC3 and tag in to Tyrus who double axe handle smashes EC3. Tyrus wears down EC3 with some nerve holds on the neck, but EC3 stays alive by sitting out smashing Tyrus face into his head. Tyrus tags to Spud who starts to choke EC3 with his wrist wrap. A back suplex delivered by EC3 on Spud gives Ethan Carter a minute to breath. Matt Hardy comes in to make sure they can keep EC3 down, but EC3 is able to battle back and take Matt and Tyrus out of the match. EC3 overhead presses Rockstar Spud for a big slam, but Spud rakes his eyes and is able to worm free. Rockstar Spud calls for The Twist of Fate, Matt Hardy’s finisher, but EC3 reverses out and applies The Cobra Clutch on Rockstar Spud. Spud is just about to tap out but a ‘Miracle’ happens and Mike Bennett runs into the ring and starts laying kicks to EC3 repeatedly. Tyrus and Matt Hardy deliver even more brutal body blows to EC3 until Beer Money runs down the IMPACT entrance to run The Hardy Family and Bennett out of the ring.

Storm and Roode let everyone know that they love to fight and they heard all the noise out here. So Beer Money plays match maker and makes an on the spot 6-Man Tag Match between Beer Money w/ EC3 vs Matt Hardy, Tyrus, and Mike Bennett!

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 Posted by: Kris    Date: March 17th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

2028 Captures | 6 Digitals | Match #1 Video | Match #2 Video
Eric Young vs. Jeff Hardy
Young immediately charges towards Hardy. Hardy ducks out of the way and lands a series of right hands. Hardy with a atomic drop to Young. Hardy with a double leg drop to the midsection of Young for a two count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate and Young rolls to the outside. Hardy goes after Young and Dixie Carter comes out. Dixie says that whoever wins this match will be added to the main event tonight. Hardy rolls Young back into the ring. Young with a stomp to the back of Hardy. Hardy with a back elbow and launches him to the corner. Young rakes the eyes of Hardy. Young with a big right hand to Hardy. Hardy sends Young to the ring apron. Hardy with a running forearm that sends Young to the outside. Young lands another big right hand to Hardy. Hardy with a dropkick to Young. Hardy with a flying cross body to the outside, but Young put his knees up in the mid-air.

Young rolls Hardy back into the ring. Young goes for the pin, but Hardy kicks out at two. Young bounces Hardy’s head on the top turnbuckle. Young mocks the crowd. Young with rapid fire boots to the back of Hardy. Hardy with a back elbow. Hardy ascends to the top rope, but Young gets Hardy tied in the tree of woe. Young ascends to the rope and gets Hardy in a hangman submission position. Young goes for the pin and Hardy kicks out at two. Young with a neck breaker for a two count. Hardy with a series of right hands to Young. Young drops Hardy with a back elbow for a two count. Young goes for a flying headbutt, but Hardy ducks out of the way. Young and Hardy exchange back and forth right hands. Hardy with a flying forearm. Hardy connects with a side russian leg sweep. Hardy with a double leg dropkick for a two count. Young puts Hardy on the top rope and lands a right hand. Young goes for a top rope superplex and Hardy lands a series of right hands that sends Young back down to the mat. Hardy with a Swanton Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

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 Posted by: Kris    Date: March 5th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 25th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

819 Captures | Digitals | Ring Promo | Match Video
EC3 Enters the Arena and has a message for Matt Hardy before they face off for the World Title in the Main Event tonight at Lockdown. EC3 runs down Matt Hardy and his wife Reby, before inviting his long time friend Rockstar Spud to join him in the Ring to thank him for having his back last week. Spud let’s the UK crowd know that Matt Hardy is rotten to the core and nobody tells Spud what he can and can’t do…until Matt Hardy interrupts, with his wife Reby and Tyrus beside him. Matt Hardy says he’s going to give EC3 the most embarrassing night of his career. EC3 gets the final word and vows to take Matt Hardy to Hell inside the Six Sides Of Steel.

An extremely focused EC3 enters the Six Sides of Steel while the excited UK crowd are waving their arms and singing EC3’s entrance theme. Backstage we see Tyrus let The World Champion Matt Hardy know it’s time to go to the ring, Hardy and Tyrus enter the arena. Hardy and EC3 face off in a stare down that quickly erupts into trading punches to the head, and chops to the chest. After a flury of offense by EC3, Matt Hardy is able to battle back and regain the advantage. From the outside Tyrus throws a chair over the top of the cage to Matt Hardy. Hardy unloads a hard chair shot across the back of EC3, while Tyrus verbally berates Ethan Carter from the outside, reminding him that he’s “all alone now”. Matt and EC3 continue to trade high impact moves to each other, Matt hits multiple Side Effects, and Ethan hits the TK3, but neither man get the victory. While on the outside, Tyrus has removed the chain from the cage door and stands in the way of EC3 exiting the Six Sides of Steel. EC3 invites Tyrus to get into the ring so he can get some retribution on his former bodyguard. Tyrus accepts and comes into the ring and gets layed out by EC3, if only for a moment. Tyrus recovers and tries to lock EC3’s wrist to the cage but it backfires and Tyrus finds himself locked to the cage. EC3 unloads on him repeatedly with extremely hard steel chair shots. Ethan Carter turns around and out of no where Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and covers, but EC3 is able to barely kick out on 2. Eventually both men climb their way to the top rope, and both suffer the consequences of a top rope side Russian leg sweep. Both men are winded and down from that crash but Matt Hardy is able to get to his feet first and regain the upper hand. Hardy puts a chair around the neck of EC3 and hits him with another Twist of Fate. EC3 refuses to give up and kicks out again out of desperation. Matt and EC3 continue to ground and pound each other as they crawl to the cage door. Reby Hardy comes to ringside with a hammer in her hands to give to Matt Hardy, but Rockstar Spud appears and runs down to stop her. Suddenly Spud turns and slams the Six Sides of Steel door shut on the skull of EC3, knocking him out cold. The UK crowd is in shock at what they are witnessing. Rockstar Spud opens the cage door and allows The Champion Matt Hardy to exit the cage and retain his World Title. Things take a vial turn at the end when Matt Hardy commands Rockstar Spud to “Kill The Cancer” referring to EC3. Rockstar Spud straddles a knocked out and defenseless EC3 laying on the steps. Rockstar raises the chair and smashes the skull of EC3 again on the steel steps. Rockstar Spud has sold out to Matt Hardy.
Winner: World Champion Matt Hardy


 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 19th 2016    Categories: Impact Results

523 Captures | Digitals | Match Video
EC3’s Headed to Lethal Lockdown
EC3 says Matt Hardy will suffer his wrath next week, but that tonight he wants Tyrus. Tyrus warns EC3 about what’s coming; EC3 drives his microphone into Tyrus’ skull. Tyrus sends him through the ropes with a spike.

Tyrus goes after EC3 on the ramp, but Carter has him scouted and drives him into the barricade. Matt Hardy runs in from behind and together, he and Tyrus leave EC3 lying in the ring. Hardy grabs a chair and Tyrus holds him in position. EC3 delivers a low blow to Tyrus and a midsection kick to Hardy that sends the duo into retreat.

Hardy tells EC3 to find a partner for tonight’s main event.

Main Event: Handicap Match | Matt Hardy and Tyrus vs. Ethan Carter III
EC3 takes the fight to Tyrus immediately, but Tyrus overpowers him and sends him overhead. Tyrus and Hardy continue their onslaught. Hardy drops repeated elbow drops across the back of EC3’s head when Rockstar Spud’s music interrupts!

Spud climbs onto the apron and reaches out for a tag. The slight distraction allows Carter to start mounting some offense of his own, but Hardy counters to regain control. He motions for a Twist of Fate, but EC3 counters and delivers a standing dropkick – then he tags out to Spud!

Spud fends off Hardy and Tyrus until he’s caught with a neckbreaker and isolated in the corner opposite EC3! Tyrus becomes the legal opponent and splashes onto Spud. He charges again, but Spud creeps in with an Underdog!

Tyrus tags in Hardy; Hardy bursts into the ring as Spud reaches EC3! EC3 splashes Hardy in the corner and then offers up a flapjack. He sets up for the One Percenter, but Tyrus intervenes with a clothesline. EC3 sends both men through the ropes before connecting with a crossbody from the turnbuckle.

EC3 sends Hardy back into the ring, but Tyrus hangs him up on the top rope. Carter stumbles into a Side Effect and two-count! Tyrus is poised for a spike when Spud answers with a low blow! Hardy catches Spud in a Twist of Fate, but EC3 is there with a One Percenter to claim the pinfall!

Result: Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud def. Matt Hardy and Tyrus


Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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