Welcome to Xtreme Daredevils.net! Since 2004, we have been your premier fan resource for one of professional wrestling's greatest tag teams: Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardys! We strive to provide our fellow Broken Warriors and Creatures with all the latest news and events involving both Matt and Jeff Hardy. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, come back again! -Kris
 Posted by: Kris    Date: September 14th 2024    Categories: Impact Plus Events, TNA Results

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff) vs. Fir$t Cla$$ (A.J. Francis & KC Navarro)
Jeff hits Navarro with Poetry in Motion, followed by a modified Sidewalk Slam from Matt. Francis takes a cheap shot at Matt from the apron. Navarro capitalizes off the distraction with a dropkick. Francis begins to wear Matt down but crashes and burns on a Swanton Bomb attempt. Matt makes the tag to Jeff who brings the fight to Navarro. Francis blindsides Jeff with a World’s Strongest Slam but Matt prevents him from going high-risk. The Hardys hit Francis with a thunderous suplex as Navarro catches Jeff with a splash. The Hardys send Francis over the top with a double clothesline, followed by a Twist of Fate neckbreaker combo to Navarro. Jeff soars with the Swanton Bomb on Navarro to win.

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff) def. Fir$t Cla$$ (A.J. Francis & KC Navarro)

Results Credit: TNAWrestling.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA+ Events > 2024 > September 13th

 Posted by: Kris    Date: September 1st 2024    Categories: Impact Plus Events, TNA Results

The System (Moose, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) vs.
Matt & Jeff Hardy, Joe Hendry & Mike Santana
Joe Hendry, Matt and Jeff Hardy take part in a mash up entrance for the ages as they join forces with Mike Santana in this upcoming 8-man tag team war!

Santana and Jeff Hardy take turns launching themselves off each other’s backs for Poetry in Motion on JDC. Hendry and the Hardys suplex Myers and JDC before posing for the camera. Santana leaps off the top with aerial offense, crashing into The System on the outside. The match begins to break down as both teams square off in the middle of the ring. Jeff takes out Edwards and JDC with Whisper in the Wind. Hendry hits a Twist of Fate on Myers but JDC prevents the follow-up Swanton Bomb. Hardy is worn down by The System for several minutes until he’s able to fight free and make the tag to Hendry. Both Edwards and JDC are on the receiving end of Fallaway Slams from Hendry. Myers inadvertently spears his own partner, JDC. Moose goes for the step-up cutter but Hendry confidently avoids it. Hendry hits a pop-up powerbomb on Edwards for two. Matt hits a Side Effect on Edwards. Moose spears Matt. Jeff plants Myers face-first, then soars with the Swanton Bomb. Hendry hits the Standing Ovation on JDC. Matt has Edwards beat following a Twist of Fate but Moose pulls him off the pin. Matt makes Moose pay with a Twist of Fate on the floor. Edwards delivers a low blow to Matt, followed by the Boston Knee Party to win.

The System (Moose, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) def. Matt & Jeff Hardy, Joe Hendry & Mike Santana

Results Credit: TNAWrestling.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA+ Events > 2024 > Emergence

 Posted by: Kris    Date: June 16th 2024    Categories: Impact Plus Events, TNA Results

Broken Rules Match For TNA World Championship:
Moose (c) (with The System) vs. “Broken” Matt Hardy
The bell rings, and The Neemth Brothers come out and attack Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards. They brawl to the back, and Moose and Hardy start fighting. Hardy dumps Moose with a clothesline. The challenger hits a Side Effect onto the apron. Hardy drops Moose with a Twist of Fate on the floor. Moose blasts Hardy with a trash can lid and hits him again.

Moose hits Hardy with a chair and controls the action. Hardy hits Moose below the belt and blasts him with a chair. The fight spills into the crowd. Moose rams Hardy into a wall. Hardy counters a powerbomb. The match returns to the ringside area. Back in the ring, Hardy takes control. Moose counters a Twist of Fate and slams Hardy. Moose drills Hardy with a cookie sheet. The champion superplexes Hardy onto some chairs. Hardy rallies with a powerbomb onto some chairs.

Hardy brings a box into the ring but gets hit with a garbage can lid. Moose opens the box and pulls out a New England Patriots football helmet. He puts it on and goes for a tackle, but Hardy sends him crashing onto a ladder. Hardy hits Moose with a Chicago Bears helmet. Hardy dives off a ladder and puts Moose through a table with a leg drop. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate, but Alisha breaks up the pin by hitting him with a Kendo Stick. Rebecca Hardy comes out and takes fight to Alisha. Rebecca tries to help Matt, but he accidentally sends her through a table with a spear. Moose gets the win with a Spear.

Winner and still TNA World Champion: Moose

The System attacks Hardy after the match. Nic and Ryan Nemeth run in for the save, but The System overwhelm them. Joe Hendry comes out for the save and brawls with Moose. The System gangs up on Hendry. Jeff Hardy makes his return and clears house. He hits a Swanton Bomb and stands tall with Matt, Hendry, and the Nemeth Brothers.

Results Credit: WrestleZone.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA+ Events > 2024 > June 14th

 Posted by: Kris    Date: May 4th 2024    Categories: Impact Plus Events

“Broken” Matt Hardy & Speedball Mountain (“Ball of Speed” Mike Bailey & “Trent Seventh” Trent Seven) vs. The System (Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (with Alisha Edwards)
Hardy and Myers start the bout, and Hardy says he wants Moose. Moose tags in but quickly tags out. Edwards drives Hardy into the corner, but Hardy bites him. Bailey and Seventh double-team Edwards. Edwards gains the upper hand and tags Bailey. Hardy and his partners hit Myers with some tandem offense.

Bailey and Seventh take control. Moose overpowers Bailey. Edwards tags in and maintains the advantage. He and Myers double-team Bailey. Moose and Myers continue to control the action. Alisha chokes him on the ropes. Bailey fires up, but Moose slams him. Bailey suplexes Edwards, but Eddie drives him into the corner. Seventh tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. The System gains the upper hand again.

Seventh rallies and sends Myers to the outside. Myers and Edwards pull Bailey and Hardy off the apron. Seventh perseveres and tags Hardy. Hardy clears house and unloads on The System. Hardy hits Edwards with a Side Effect. Moose tags in, and Hardy gets in his face. They trade punches. Moose drops him with a big boot. Hardy catches a diving Moose with a cutter.

Edwards breaks up a Twist of Fate attempt. Hardy tags Bailey, who hits Myers with a dropkick. Myers catches Bailey with a Spear. Hardy and his partners rally and hit stereo Twist of Fates. Seventh and Bailey dive onto Myers and Edwards. Moose gains the upper hand and powerbombs Bailey. He slams Seventh onto the apron. Hardy bites Moose’s fingers and hits a Twist of Fate on the floor. Hardy puts Moose through a table with a diving leg drop. Back in the ring, Bailey and Seventh double-team Edwards. Seventh hits Edwards with a Burning Hammer, but Alisha breaks it up. Eddie hits Seventh below the belt, and Eddie and Myers double-team Seventh for the win.

Winners: The System (Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (with Alisha Edwards)

The System stands tall as the show comes to a close.

Results Credit: WrestleZone.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > TNA+ Events > 2024 > May 3rd

 Posted by: Kris    Date: February 14th 2021    Categories: Impact Plus Events

Impact World Tag Team Championship: The Good Brothers (c) vs. James Storm & Chris Sabin vs. Private Party (w/Matt Hardy)
James Storm and Marq Quen kick things off. Storm shoves Quen over towards the corner with a tight collar-and-elbow lockup. Storm throws Quen over towards his corner. Isiah Kassidy makes a blind tag in. Matt Hardy pulls Private Party aside to talk strategy. Chris Sabin is tagged in by Storm. Both Sabin and Kassidy go back and forth with sunset flip rollups. Kassidy puts a tight sidelock on Sabin. Quen tags himself in. Private Party shows off some high-flying offense before Quen takes over.

Quen baits Sabin in with chin lock. Sabin rolls through. Karl Anderson tags himself in off of Sabin. Kassidy makes his way back into the match. Kassidy twists Anderson’s arm up. He goes over for a tag to Quen. Quen makes his way in but tries to get another quick tag to Kassidy. Anderson drags him over to his corner and brings in Doc Gallows. Gallows lays in some heavy hands on Quen before he brings Anderson back in. Gallows is just manhandling Quen in the corner. He gets his a tag out to Anderson.

Anderson locks up Quen’s leg and brings Gallows back in. Gallows drops down on top of Quen for a near fall. Gallows brings Anderson back in. Anderson’s dojo training skills are shown with a tight armlock on Quen. Quen rolls over and James Storm makes his way into the ring. Sabin runs in to help Storm out with a tornado DDT. Storm looks for a cover on Anderson and the Tag Team Champion kicks out. Private Party and Sabin are now in the ring. Private Party come in with combination offense. Quen crashes on top of Sabin’s back with a standing moonsault. Private Party continues their beautiful offense with Sliced Bread on James. Kassidy hooks the leg. Storm kicks out!

Chaos ensues with gunshot offense from all three teams. Karl Anderson lands a gut-wrenching powerbomb. James Storm comes in with the Eye of the Storm on Quen. Storm hooks the leg for a two count! Matt Hardy makes his way in with a Twist of Fate on Storm. Anderson slides in after he sees Kassidy and Quen land a swanton bomb and moonsault from off the top rope on Storm. Anderson hooks the leg on Storm to retain the titles.

Winners: The Good Brothers

Post-Match: Matt Hardy is asking Private Party how could they let him down. He is furious!

Results Credit: WrestlingINC.com

Gallery Links:
Screen Captures > TNA Programs > IMPACT Plus Events > 2021 > No Surrender
TNA/IMPACT Wrestling Photos > IMPACT Plus Events > 2021 > No Surrender

Appearance Schedules

August 2nd, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Tickets: $20.00 – $160.00
Click Here for more info.

November 30th, 2024
Hardy Boyz Appearance
Benton Convention Center, Winston-Salem, NC
Tickets: $40.00 – $199.00
Click Here for more info.

Elite Affiliates

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If you would like to donate photos, art, multimedia, news, videos, etc. to XtremeDaredevils.net, then please send them to: kris@xtremedaredevils.net.

Please, be sure to include your name so that you can receive proper credit.

Site Statistics

Owner: Kris
Staff: Kat
Layout: Kris
Launched: May 2004
Re-launched: May 2009
Host: Fansite Host

Legal Disclaimer

This website is not affiliated with either Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), or any organization(s) in which The Hardys have been affiliated with. Matt is very aware of this website, but we are not The Hardys’ official site and we do not claim to be. This is a non-profit fansite and strictly for entertainment purposes only. Images and related content are copyrighted to their respective owners and are being used under Fair Use Copyright Law 107. No copyright infringement is intended.

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